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Will your family be receiving the legacy that matters most?

More than just a bank account or stock certificates—your family legacy encompasses all the experiences that your family holds dear, as well as the values, wisdom, and hopes you leave for them.


With this in mind, the question for you becomes more about what each of your family members value most. You can't really know until you start talking about all these key components of creating a legacy.


It could be that values and life lessons are top on someone's list. While someone else my rate personal possessions of emotional value #1.  Still, there are others that may believe the financial assets and real estate are the key components for them.  Starting a meaningful discussion about your family legacy can be difficult—but it doesn't have to push your family apart. It can help bring you together, resolve conflicts, and spare emotional tensions later on.


Although we are not estate planners and do not provide tax or legal advice, we can help you explore your life insurance options to help meet your legacy planning goals.

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Robert A. Apple, MBA, AAMS®
Partner | Wealth Advisor

3750 Park East Drive, Suite 200

Beachwood, Ohio 44122-4348

Phone:  (440) 991-1124
Text:      (440) 991-1124
Cell:       (216) 695-5674
Fax:       (440) 991-1124






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